Monday, May 30, 2011


"What's wrong with a mom on acid?"
- Hippie girl in line for a Stones show wondering why the state took her baby away

I'm watching the Stones' long-lost documentary "Cocksucker Blues." I say long-lost because the thing has been the subject of a bizarre ruling which only makes it legal for a person to view the film if the director is actually present. There's some tasty live sequences and a bit of interesting footage of the traveling circus that was the Stones' life around the release of Exile On Mainstreet. For the most part the footage just hangs together without much context or narrative to hold it together. As a behind-the-scenes look at the debauchery of the Stones, it has its uses. Personally it seems to me like the film pulls some punches though... I mean I think the Stones' life off camera would have been similar, just with more blowjobs and shooting up.

The copy I downloaded cuts to a TV performance of Blue Cheer doing Albert King's "The Hunter" after the movie is over. Cool.

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