Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This post was inspired by a conversation yesterday about Vancouver thrash-metal stalwarts Excruciating Pain. Not be confused with the other bands that go by that name, these dudes have added the catchy prefix "The Almighty" to their name. The footage is a poorly recorded sprint-metal thrasher from one of their frequent shows at the hippest place in town, East Hastings' very own FUNKY WINKERBEAN, home of the $1.50 water-beer combo pint. Come soak up some local colour on the down town East Side. Bet they get a lot of Grindcore shows.

Anyways, the point of this post: It exists. The Metal Band Name Generator. The bastards beat me to it! Just goes to show, if you've ever had an original idea, don't bother because someone has already done it.

But all is not lost. Because I'm a fan more specifically of the Thrash Metal genre, here are a few examples of made-up thrash bands I can think of off the top of my head. I could come up with these all day:

Eternal Agony
Ruthless Destruction
Endless Oblivion
Gruesome Slaughter
Paralyzing Terror
Mental Crucifixion
Terrible Violence
Satanic Possession
Repulsive Visage
Shocking Brutality
Nuclear Holocaust
Biological Genocide
Ritual Dismemberment
Horrifying Atrocity
Insane Bloodlust
Hellfire Overlord
Pagan Sacrifice
Chemical Immolation
Barbaric Torture

If you ever want to use any of these names, go ahead. I've got hundreds. If you already have a band using one of these name, fine, you thought of it first and you are smarter than me.

Think of your own. Go nuts. It's fun.

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